NotPie Cakery Review: Unveiling the Sweet Success Behind the Cupcakes

Timbo's Blunt Thoughts

Recommendation: Acquired Taste

Exploring the world of dessert subscriptions, NotPie Cakery serves up a tantalizing twist with its gourmet cupcakes, promising to transform the ordinary into extraordinary. However, while their commitment to quality ingredients and local sourcing shines, potential subscribers should weigh the balance between indulgence and novelty. If you’re after a blend of traditional and innovative flavors, delivered with a personal touch and environmental consciousness, NotPie might just be your sweet spot. Yet, those seeking more than just cupcakes or looking for broader dietary options might find the menu limiting.


  • NotPie’s dedication to using fresh, locally sourced ingredients elevates the taste and texture of their cupcakes, making each bite a guilt-free pleasure.
  • Their innovative flavor combinations are a delight for those looking to explore beyond the classic cupcake varieties.
  • NotPie’s commitment to sustainability is evident in their use of recyclable materials, appealing to the environmentally conscious consumer.
  • Their responsive and accommodating customer support ensures a satisfying purchasing experience from start to finish.


  • While the cupcakes are exceptional, the lack of broader dessert options may leave some customers craving more variety.
  • The artisanal nature and quality ingredients of NotPie’s cupcakes come at a premium, which might not fit into everyone’s dessert budget.
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Hey there, fellow dessert aficionados! I’m Tim from Timbo’s Food Box, your go-to guru for all things sweet and savory. Today, we’re diving deep into the world of gourmet cupcakes with an in-depth review of NotPie Cakery’s subscription box. It’s not every day that a cupcake comes along that promises not just a bite of sweetness but a whole experience. So, let’s see if NotPie Cakery truly delivers that unique twist on cupcakes they boast about. Buckle up, sweet tooth warriors; this ride is about to get deliciously interesting.

Box Overview and Brand Background

NotPie Cakery isn’t just another bakery in the digital dessert landscape; it’s a beacon of innovation, quality, and passion. Founded by the dynamic duo Amanda and Joshua Frazier, NotPie transforms the act of sending cakes into an art form. With a focus on sustainability, community, and sheer culinary creativity, they’ve baked their way into the hearts of dessert lovers nationwide.

Notpie Cakery Website Homepage
Notpie Cakery Website Homepage

History and Unique Features of the Brand

The Fraziers turned their entrepreneurial spirit and baking prowess into NotPie Cakery, a name that now stands for more than just cupcakes—it’s a symbol of joy, delivered. Their journey from a local bakery to an online sensation showcases their commitment to quality and innovation. With features like local sourcing and creative flavors, NotPie sets itself apart in a crowded marketplace.

Support for Local Farms

NotPie’s pledge to quality shines through their choice of ingredients—locally sourced and bursting with freshness. This commitment goes beyond taste, reflecting a dedication to sustainable and ethical practices that resonate with conscious consumers.

How NotPie Cakery Operates

At its heart, NotPie operates on a model of passion, responsibility, and joy. Their robust online presence makes indulging in their cupcakes a breeze, regardless of where you are in the U.S.

NotPie Cakery Reward Program

Loyalty is sweet at NotPie, with a reward program designed to make each purchase a bit sweeter. It’s a testament to their commitment to customer satisfaction and long-lasting relationships.

Notpie Cakery Cupcake Options
Notpie Cakery Cupcake Options

Unboxing Experience

The moment a NotPie box arrives is one filled with anticipation, excitement, and the irresistible aroma of fresh cupcakes. Their meticulous attention to packaging ensures that each treat is a pristine piece of culinary art.

Cost of the Box and Promotions

NotPie strikes a perfect balance between quality and value. With competitive pricing and enticing promotions, indulging in their cupcakes feels like a treat that’s both luxurious and accessible.

Subscription Options and Customization

Understanding the diverse palates of their audience, NotPie offers a variety of subscription options, ensuring there’s a perfect match for every cupcake lover. The customization available makes each box feel personal and thoughtfully curated.

Shipping, Packaging, and Storage

NotPie’s dedication to excellence extends to their shipping and packaging. Eco-friendly materials and clear storage instructions ensure that each cupcake arrives fresh and remains delicious until it’s time to indulge.

Notpie Cakery Cupcakes
Notpie Cakery Cupcakes

Customer Service Experience

Interacting with NotPie’s customer service is as delightful as sampling their cupcakes. Responsive, helpful, and genuinely invested in customer satisfaction, they set the standard for what a sweet experience should be.

Contact NotPie Cakery:

Comparison with Other Boxes

When stacked against competitors like Baked By Melissa, NotPie Cakery holds its ground with its unique blend of local sourcing, innovative flavors, and personalized experiences. Their commitment to quality and community makes them a standout in the subscription box scene.

Who Should Buy This Box?

If you appreciate gourmet cupcakes crafted with care, quality ingredients, and a touch of innovation, NotPie Cakery is your go-to. Perfect for special occasions, gifts, or just treating yourself, these cupcakes are guaranteed to brighten anyone’s day.

Return and Subscription Cancellation Policy

NotPie makes satisfaction a priority, with straightforward policies on returns and subscription cancellations. Their approach is reflective of a brand that values its customers’ happiness above all.

Notpie Cakery Someone Sent You Cake Postcard
Notpie Cakery Someone Sent You Cake Postcard

Taste and Quality Assessment

Each NotPie cupcake is a symphony of flavors, textures, and culinary craftsmanship. They’re not just treats; they’re experiences that linger on the palate and in the memory, underscoring the bakery’s commitment to quality.

Personal Opinion and Final Rating

After a comprehensive review, I’m giving NotPie Cakery a well-deserved 3.5 out of 5. While the cupcakes are nothing short of exceptional, there’s room for growth in flavor diversity and customization options.

Wrapping It Up: A Sweet Spot in the Online Bakery World

In conclusion, NotPie Cakery stands out as a beacon of quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction in the online bakery space. Their focus on sustainability, community engagement, and delivering unparalleled culinary experiences makes them a brand worth trying. Whether you’re looking for a unique gift, a treat for a special occasion, or just a way to sweeten your day, NotPie’s cupcakes are sure to bring a smile to your face.

So, dear readers, are you ready to take your taste buds on a journey with NotPie Cakery? Have you tried their cupcakes before? Share your thoughts and favorites in the comments below!

Notpie Cakery Cupcakes
Notpie Cakery Cupcakes

Enhance Your Cupcake Experience with These Must-Haves

Ready to take your cupcake enjoyment to the next level? Whether you’re indulging in a NotPie Cakery subscription or baking your own sweet treats at home, these handpicked products will elevate your cupcake experience. From baking essentials to stylish serving solutions, we’ve got you covered. And the best part? Each purchase through these affiliate links supports our blog at no additional cost to you. Let’s dive into our top picks for cupcake lovers!

Gourmet Baking Mixes

1. Artisan Cupcake Mix: Perfect for those days when you’re inspired to bake at home. This premium mix ensures fluffy, moist cupcakes every time, allowing you to add a personal touch with your favorite add-ins or toppings.

Cupcake Decorating Tools

2. Professional Cupcake Decorating Kit: Unleash your creativity with a comprehensive set of icing tips, piping bags, and a guidebook. Ideal for decorating cupcakes like a pro, whether you’re prepping for a party or just having fun in the kitchen.

Eco-Friendly Baking Supplies

3. Reusable Silicone Cupcake Liners: Say goodbye to disposable paper liners and hello to these colorful, eco-friendly silicone alternatives. They’re easy to clean, bake evenly, and can be used for a myriad of recipes.

Cupcake Storage and Display

4. Elegant Cupcake Stand: Showcase your cupcakes in style with an elegant display stand. Perfect for parties, this stand will make your NotPie Cakery treats (or your own creations) the centerpiece of any dessert table.

Specialty Ingredients

5. Organic Vanilla Bean Paste: Elevate your baking with high-quality vanilla bean paste. It offers a rich, authentic vanilla flavor that’s far superior to extract, making your cupcakes even more irresistible.

Cupcake Cookbooks

6. “The Cupcake Bible“: Explore new heights with this comprehensive guide to baking the perfect cupcake. Filled with recipes, tips, and decorating ideas, it’s an essential resource for any cupcake enthusiast.

Subscription Box Add-Ons

7. Premium Tea and Coffee Selections: Pair your NotPie Cakery cupcakes with gourmet teas and coffees. These curated selections complement the flavors of your cupcakes, enhancing the overall tasting experience.

Notpie Cakery Cupcakes
Notpie Cakery Cupcakes

NotPie Cakery vs. Baked By Melissa: A Cupcake Showdown

When it comes to indulging in gourmet cupcakes, two names often rise to the top: NotPie Cakery and Baked By Melissa. Both brands have carved out their niches in the cupcake industry, but how do they stack up against each other? Let’s dive into a sweet comparison to help you decide which cupcake subscription might satisfy your cravings best.

  • NotPie Cakery: NotPie stands out with its unique approach to cupcake delivery, focusing on full-sized, artisanal cupcakes crafted from locally sourced ingredients. Their subscription box model allows for a regular dose of sweetness delivered right to your doorstep, with an emphasis on sustainability and community support.
  • Baked By Melissa: Known for their bite-sized cupcakes, Baked By Melissa offers a wide array of flavors in adorably tiny forms. Perfect for those who love variety and sampling different tastes without committing to a full-sized cupcake. Their offerings are ideal for parties, gifts, or a personal treat where you can enjoy multiple flavors in one sitting.

Flavor Innovation

  • NotPie Cakery: NotPie Cakery prides itself on creative and seasonal flavor offerings that change throughout the year. They’re not afraid to experiment with unique combinations, offering a gourmet experience with every bite. Their use of fresh, high-quality ingredients elevates the taste to match the innovation.
  • Baked By Melissa: Baked By Melissa excels in variety, offering an impressive range of flavors. From classic favorites to innovative creations, there’s always something new to try. Their bite-sized format encourages exploring multiple flavors, making every order a culinary adventure.

Quality and Sourcing

  • NotPie Cakery: With a strong commitment to quality, NotPie Cakery sources ingredients from local farms and suppliers, ensuring that each cupcake not only tastes fantastic but also supports sustainable practices. This commitment to freshness and ethical sourcing is a core part of their brand identity.
  • Baked By Melissa: Baked By Melissa focuses on delivering consistent, high-quality bite-sized cupcakes, using fine ingredients to maintain flavor and freshness. While they may not emphasize local sourcing as much as NotPie, their dedication to quality is evident in every mini cupcake.

Customization and Flexibility

  • NotPie Cakery: NotPie offers a high degree of customization with their subscriptions, allowing customers to select preferences, dietary restrictions, and delivery frequency. This personalized approach ensures that every box feels tailored to the recipient’s tastes.
  • Baked By Melissa: While Baked By Melissa offers a range of pre-selected assortments and limited customization options, their focus is on variety packs that showcase their wide range of flavors. This approach caters well to those looking to sample or gift a broad taste experience.

Environmental Commitment

  • NotPie Cakery: Sustainability is at the heart of NotPie Cakery’s operations, from eco-friendly packaging to their support of local agriculture. They strive to minimize their environmental footprint while maximizing taste and customer satisfaction.
  • Baked By Melissa: Baked By Melissa also recognizes the importance of sustainability, with efforts to use recyclable packaging and reduce waste. Their commitment to eco-friendly practices is a growing aspect of their business model.
Notpie Cakery Cupcakes
Notpie Cakery Cupcakes

Final Thoughts

Choosing between NotPie Cakery and Baked By Melissa comes down to personal preference. If you’re seeking full-sized cupcakes with bold flavors and a commitment to local sourcing and sustainability, NotPie is your go-to. On the other hand, if variety and the charm of bite-sized treats speak to you, Baked By Melissa offers a delightful experience with every miniature cupcake.

Whether you lean towards the artisanal, full-sized creations of NotPie Cakery or the whimsical, bite-sized delights from Baked By Melissa, both brands promise a journey of flavor that’s sure to satisfy any cupcake lover’s dream.

What Sets NotPie Cakery Apart?

What Makes NotPie Cakery Different from Other Online Bakeries?

NotPie Cakery stands out in the crowded online bakery space with its unique subscription box model, offering a delightful range of gourmet cupcakes delivered right to your door. Their commitment to using locally sourced, high-quality ingredients and their innovative flavor combinations set them apart. Additionally, their dedication to sustainability, from eco-friendly packaging to supporting local farms, underscores their commitment to quality and community.

Can I Customize My NotPie Cakery Subscription Box?

Yes, NotPie Cakery offers a variety of customization options for their subscription boxes. Customers can choose their preferred flavors, specify any dietary restrictions (like gluten-free or vegan options), and select the frequency of their deliveries. This flexibility ensures that every box is perfectly tailored to individual tastes and preferences.

Where Does NotPie Cakery Source Their Ingredients From?

NotPie Cakery prides itself on sourcing high-quality ingredients from local farms and suppliers. This commitment not only supports local agriculture but also guarantees that each cupcake is made with the freshest and finest ingredients available, contributing to the superior taste and quality of their products.

How Does NotPie Cakery Ensure Their Cupcakes Arrive Fresh?

NotPie Cakery takes great care in packaging and shipping their cupcakes to ensure they arrive as fresh and delicious as when they left the bakery. They use eco-friendly, insulated packaging materials and carefully designed boxes that secure the cupcakes during transit. Furthermore, they provide clear storage instructions to help maintain freshness until you’re ready to indulge.

While NotPie Cakery is always experimenting with new and seasonal flavors, some of their all-time favorites include Classic Vanilla Bean, Rich Chocolate, Salted Caramel, and their unique Lavender Honey. Each flavor is crafted with care, ensuring a delightful and satisfying experience for all tastes.

Does NotPie Cakery Offer Gluten-Free or Vegan Options?

Yes, NotPie Cakery caters to various dietary needs, including gluten-free and vegan options. They understand the importance of inclusivity in enjoying gourmet treats and strive to offer a range of cupcakes that everyone can enjoy, regardless of dietary restrictions.

How Can I Gift a NotPie Cakery Subscription Box?

Gifting a NotPie Cakery subscription box is easy and thoughtful. Simply visit their website at, choose the “Gift” option during checkout, and select the subscription length you wish to gift. You can also add a personal message to accompany the first box, making it a sweet surprise for any occasion.

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Independence and Affiliations
I, Tim (a.k.a. Timbo), am the creator behind Timbo’s Food Box. This platform is built on my passion for sharing my culinary adventures and insights into food boxes & meal delivery services. I want to assure you that my reviews and opinions are entirely my own, based on my personal experiences and rigorous testing. While I may receive affiliate commissions for purchases made through links on this site, these affiliations do not influence my reviews or recommendations. I am committed to providing honest, unbiased information to help you make informed decisions. My relationship with you, my readers, is founded on trust and transparency.

Health and Dietary Information
My journey with heart health, weight loss, and overall well-being is a personal one, and I often share these experiences to inspire and inform. However, it’s important to note that I am not a healthcare professional or dietician. The information provided on this blog is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical or health advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider before making any changes to your diet, health routine, or if you have concerns about specific health conditions. What works for me may not work for everyone, and your health and safety are paramount.

Review Integrity
All content, including reviews and recommendations, is based on my personal views and experiences. I strive to provide thorough, objective evaluations of each product or service I review. Please understand that these are my personal opinions, and I encourage you to do your own research as well. In the interest of transparency, if I review a product that was provided to me at no cost, I will disclose this information clearly in the review. My commitment is to honesty and integrity in every post I publish.

Pricing and Availability
Please be aware that prices and availability of the products and services mentioned on this blog are subject to change. While I aim to provide accurate, up-to-date information, I cannot guarantee that the prices and details at the time of reading match the current state. Always check the provider’s website for the most current information.

Your Trust, My Integrity
This disclaimer is intended to clarify my position and the purpose of Timbo’s Food Box. My goal is to share my passion for food and healthy living while maintaining the highest standards of integrity and transparency. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I hope my insights add value to your culinary experiences.

Timbo's Blunt Thoughts

Recommendation: Acquired Taste

Exploring the world of dessert subscriptions, NotPie Cakery serves up a tantalizing twist with its gourmet cupcakes, promising to transform the ordinary into extraordinary. However, while their commitment to quality ingredients and local sourcing shines, potential subscribers should weigh the balance between indulgence and novelty. If you’re after a blend of traditional and innovative flavors, delivered with a personal touch and environmental consciousness, NotPie might just be your sweet spot. Yet, those seeking more than just cupcakes or looking for broader dietary options might find the menu limiting.


  • NotPie’s dedication to using fresh, locally sourced ingredients elevates the taste and texture of their cupcakes, making each bite a guilt-free pleasure.
  • Their innovative flavor combinations are a delight for those looking to explore beyond the classic cupcake varieties.
  • NotPie’s commitment to sustainability is evident in their use of recyclable materials, appealing to the environmentally conscious consumer.
  • Their responsive and accommodating customer support ensures a satisfying purchasing experience from start to finish.


  • While the cupcakes are exceptional, the lack of broader dessert options may leave some customers craving more variety.
  • The artisanal nature and quality ingredients of NotPie’s cupcakes come at a premium, which might not fit into everyone’s dessert budget.
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